

Winter Gathering @ St Andrew's Uniting Church
Jul 30 @ 12:00 pm – 3:00 pm
Winter Gathering @ St Andrew's Uniting Church


Join us as we gather to explore “Winter” in our lives. Where is God when times are bleak and lonely, when people are suffering and it seems that hope is gone?

Who is God calling us to be? How do we bring warmth and light when winter nights are long and dark?

And: Who wants to be part of a new Faith Community in the Uniting Church?

Warming food to share
Open hearts

Spring Gathering – Saturday afternoon @ Harbison Picnic Ground, Macedon Ranges Regional Park
Oct 21 @ 12:30 pm – 4:30 pm

The first part of our three phase gathering designed to offer opportunities for everyone to get along, whether you’re close or far away, whether you’re booked on Sunday mornings or whether someone’s got a sports final or concert performance!

Get your lunch supplies at the Riddell’s Creek farmer’s market, then meet at 12:30 at the Harbison Picnic Ground in the Macedon Regional Park where we’ll lunch together and work out who wants to go on which walk.

Sanatorium Lake, Macedon Ranges

There may also be an opportunity for us to get into a service project in support of the local community – stay tuned for details.

At the end of our walk and work time there’ll be space to reflect together on aspects of our family faith life as we begin to engage with “Belonging and Becoming – Creating a Thriving Family Culture” by Mark and Lisa Scandrette.

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Spring Gathering – Saturday evening Dinner and Ceilidh @ Riddell's Creek Uniting Church
Oct 21 @ 6:00 pm – 9:30 pm
Photo by Scott Findlay

A Ceilidh is a social event with Scottish or Irish folk music and singing, traditional dancing, and storytelling.  Last time we gathered we discovered that many of us have an Anglo Celtic heritage in common… so we’re having a Ceilidh – family camp style!   Be ready with your stories, jokes and songs to share.

We’ll kick off the evening with a shared meal – possibly from the local takeaway options nearby and/or a combination of self-catering – we’ll work it out according to who’s around.

Being in the Macedon Ranges, we have the opportunity to invite local musician Andy Rigby to help facilitate our session and show us a dance or two, depending on how many people RSVP for the session – hence a small cost of $20 per family or thereabouts.

Spring Gathering – Sunday Morning Worship at Gisborne UC @ Gisborne Uniting Church
Oct 22 @ 9:30 am – 10:30 am

The third and final option in this Gathering buffet is to join the lovely people of the Macedon Ranges Partnership in their all-ages worship service at Gisborne Uniting Church, led by Pastor Annette Buckley.

Annette has been known to play ukulele at times.  Just so you know.

The service will include communion and we are excited to tell you that Annette has completed a gluten-free bread baking course and plans to make this bread available for all you gluten intolerant types out there!

Photo: Markus Spiske

The Macedon Ranges Partnership is “home church” for Robyn, Ruby, Emily and Izzy Zumstein, and it’s leaders include Pastor Annette, Rev. Deacon Wendy Elson, and Rev. Peter Cannon.  They are looking forward to hosting you on their home turf!


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Sacred Edge Festival @ Queenscliff Uniting Church
May 4 @ 7:00 pm – May 6 @ 4:00 pm
Sacred Edge Festival @ Queenscliff Uniting Church | Queenscliff | Victoria | Australia

The Sacred Edge Festival is the next logical place for our community to gather!  Presenters include our very own Joan, Alex, Cath and Joel, and Robyn, and volunteering opportunities are available.  Queenscliff is a beautiful little town and Sacred Edge is a chance to hear from the voices not often heard in our churches.